Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 187

Sept 26-Oct 2

We went to the Sumter Fire Department with our meetup group, "Sumter Infants and Toddlers Playgroup."  Check it out here:

Sumter Infants and Toddlers

We all had so much fun!  Of course Jack was super excited when I told him where we were going that day.  He insisted on wearing his fireman jacket and pants along with his special helmet with the siren (thanks again Aunt Ruthann!).  The jacket and pants are from a Halloween costume from like 2 years ago so I figured it wouldn't fit him--um no, he squeezed his little butt into them and proudly wore them (high waters and all) to the Fire Station.

We actually had a good turnout for our little group.  The fire fighters were amazing and did all kinds of fun demonstrations for the kids.  They came down the ladders, taught the kids about fire safety, gave a tour of the trucks. etc.  I think the most exciting part of the experience was that Jack got a small spot in the newspaper.

He got to be the demonstrator when they taught the "stop, drop, and roll" concept to the group.  Here he is pictured kneeling down.  There is a picture of the whole group that is kind of hard to see and for whatever reason is sideways since I can't seem to figure out how to flip it around.  The boys had an amazing time viewing all of the things at the station.  Here are some cute pictures of our trip.

After all the excitement we loaded the kids in the cars and decided to make a quick lunch trip to McDonald's.  They had such a great time, but were so tired!  It was all they could do to eat a quick lunch and then fall asleep once we got home.  :)


Anonymous said...

Why didn't Jack wear his firefighter rain boots that Haley got him!?

<3 Caroline

Unknown said...

Bc we couldn't find them at the time. For some reason they were packed with his firefighter room stuff. Once we got home I tore through various boxes and fished them out. They fit him now and he loves them!!!