Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 186

Sept 19-25

Now that Abel is 1 year old and has gone to his well baby checkup I can post his big status update.  He is 90th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  He weighed 25 lbs 4 oz.  BIG BOY!  :)

I am proud to say that Abel exclusively breast fed for an ENTIRE YEAR!  He never had a drop of formula in his life!  This is an accomplishment for me because I wasn't able to make it that far when Jack was little.  I didn't have much support when I went back to work.  I am here to say that it is possible with a lot of hard work and dedication.  Abel is now fully weaned and onto whole milk--and surprisingly he took the transition like a champ!  Now we just need to wean him off the bottles and we will be set.

Abel still takes two naps a day.  A shorter morning nap around 9:00 am and then a longer afternoon nap around 1:00 pm.  He goes to bed at 7:00 pm and will sleep through the night to 7:00-7:30 am.  He eats pretty much anything you put in front of him.  Sometimes he is picky, but for the most part he eats everything offered to him.

He talks.  At 1 year babies are expected to say basic sounds like, "mama, dada, baba."  Abel says many, many words.  He can tell you about 5-6 animal sounds when you ask him.  He says all of the above and more.  I have never seen a kid so obsessed with books.  He will choose books over toys.  He brings us books all day long and truly sits still as we read them to him.  It is precious.
Abel walks like a pro.  He actually has started running now.  He can climb steps, but has not yet started climbing on the furniture.

Eventually we want to put him in a room with Jack (we've promised bunk beds), but we are waiting for him to get a little bit older.  I am currently looking for some fantastic bunk beds that can withstand the wear and tear of two rambunctious boys.  Any suggestions?  I seriously wish I could afford Pottery Barn Kids furniture.  I love their styles, but they are way overpriced compared to many other manufacturers.  I'm sure the quality is excellent, but still not worth the $$$.  Anyone know of a manufacturer with similar style and quality furniture without the cash?  Here is my dream furniture for their room.  Maybe one day...

Okay enough rambling.  :)  Hope everyone has a great week!  Stay tuned for my next post about the fire department trip with our fun play group! 

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