Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 173

June 20-26

Abel had his official 9 month check up this week.  I can't believe he is getting so big so fast!  It definitely goes by much faster with the second kid than the first.  I can't even imagine any subsequent kids.  I'm starting to understand why there were about 10 albums of the first three years of my life and my sister has maybe 1-2 albums for her whole childhood (she was the fourth kid).

We went to the doctor's office together.  Last time was Abel's 6 month checkup and also Jack's 3 year checkup.  I had to reassure Jack that he wasn't going to be seen by the doctor, just Abel.  This fact made him happy, in fact he kept telling all the office staff, "Abel is getting shots, two of them!  I'm not getting shots today." They thought that was pretty funny.  Abel of course had no idea what was going on.  We got his height and weight.  He hadn't gained a pound since his 6 month visit.  23 lbs.  Still in the 90th percentile.  Also 90th percentile for his height (I forgot how tall exactly).

Dr. Willard was impressed that he could not only say random syllables (mama, baba) but he could actually say some words.  He says "Jack" which comes out as "Dack."  He also says "mama", "dada", "hi", and "baba."  A 15 month old can say 5 words.  He just might be as smart as his big brother!!! He can wave hi/bye and point with his index finger.  He uses his pincer grasp to pick things up.  He LOVES puffs and the little baby crunchies.  He is starting to really enjoy picking up his food and getting something with some texture instead of everything mush.  He is now allowed to eat any food we have except for peanuts/peanut butter and of course honey.  I'm sure he will love the change.

We had been packing and packing, throwing things out, and packing more.  We are so excited to close on our new house and get moved in!  At one point we needed a break so we got outside to the Riverfront Park in downtown Columbia.  It was a much needed outing.  We packed up Jack's bike and Abel's stroller for some fresh air!  It was hot, but still nice to get out.

 We move soon!  :)  Can't wait!!!

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