Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 70

July 7-13

A few happenings in the Storch world. As you all know I have officially started my orientation down in the E.D. (emergency department). It is definitely more high-speed, different, fast-paced, and exciting...and so far I LOVE IT!! :) I am so excited to work as a team again. I forgot how much fun it is to have co-workers!
In other news...we are still doing the "Insanity" workout. We are past the halfway point and are really seeing results. Ed is literally seeing them on the scale (and in the mirror). I am still at a standstill as far as my weight goes, but I am seeing differences in the mirror and with a tape measurer. We are probably going to post before/after pictures to show our progress once we have completed the program. Since that is happening, Ed has requested that I don't post any more pictures of the two of us to keep things a surprise.
I was a little bummed about that because I got some cute shots at the beach today and I can't put them up until later. :( Oh well. I can put the ones with only Jack. He is much cuter than Ed and I anyways.
Lately he has been excited to play with his "baby Kaitlyn" or as he calls her "Baby Kay-Kay". We have been very lucky to get some awesome new neighbors Tara and Nick. Tara and I have coffee a few mornings a week and let the kids play while we hang out. We clicked almost instantly. It's actually one of those things where you practically finish each others sentences, make the same choices at the same time, that kind of a thing. We have a ton of stuff in common as we find out all the time from our chats.
She is going to start nursing school next year and we have agreed to help each other out with school, work, babies, and deployments. Nick is in the Coast Guard and is out quite a bit. Today I mowed her lawn for her. It wasn't long ago when I had a newborn baby, my husband was gone, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to mow the lawn. In this neighborhood if it isn't up to standards we get a letter and if it's not fixed right away they mow it for you...for $50.00.
Anyways...we get along very well and I can't wait to hang out more. The guys have a lot in common too. Nick is interested in volunteer firefighting so Ed is going to help him out with that. It's pretty fun to have someone right next door to be friends with! :)
The other day when Kaitlyn was over here we got out the jumperoo that was stored in the garage and put it together for her. That way she has something to sit in to keep her occupied while she is over here. Jack saw it and wanted to get in it of course. After awhile he was over it and we put Kaitlyn in it for the first time. He kept trying to show her how to do all the activities on it. Here are some shots.

Blast from the past...

One of the pictures I took of Jack reminded me of when he was little and tried the jumperoo out for the first time. This was taken June 2009. Check out how much they grow!!!

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