Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 97

Jan 12-18

So suddenly I realize that my baby is going to turn TWO years old in two months.


How did this happen?? He was a baby yesterday, I swear it! I feel like he woke up one day and just turned into this kid. Independent. Smart. Funny. He is a chatterbox to say the least. He understands the concept of timeout, even though he rarely needs it. He asks for what he wants and says "please" and "thank you" sometimes without being prompted. It's amazing. We were doing his ABC puzzle the other day and he knew more than half of the letters of the alphabet.
Where has the time gone??

So I am now trying to figure out where/when to have his little 2nd Birthday Party. I feel like I just got done planning the first one.
I have ideas on what kind of party to throw for Jack. Part of my dilemma is where to have the party. Last year we had it at the house, but we also didn't really have that many kids. Jack has way more friends now that he is older so there could potentially be quite a few kids.
There are tons of parks and covered awning type places around here, but some days it is so windy that I would really have to get creative as far as the decorations or they might blow away. Hmm...I will come up with something. In the meantime here are pictures from Jack's friend Jay's 3rd birthday party. It was pirate themed. Super cute!!!


Anonymous said...

You guys are good parents, Elizabeth. Jack is proof! :)

Emily said...

I am really having trouble reading with the light font on the pink background. Don't know if it's just me, though :-(