Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 95

Dec 29-Jan 4

Happy New Year!

We are pretty much recovering from the busy holiday season. We have been taking down decorations, trying to get back into the swing of things, get back to work, and return to our normal schedule. It has kind of been a rough week as our babysitter suddenly became unreliable So now we are on the hunt for a new one. I am so sick of having different people in Jack's life and wish we could just have some consistency. It is difficult to find someone we can really trust in a town we don't know anyone. I am so torn because although there is a fantastic day care center on base but we only need childcare 4-8 hours a week and you have to pay for full time or nothing. It would come out to $20+/hr. It just doesn't seem right. I would rather keep Jack in his own house so he can take naps in his own crib. The little cots they sleep on at daycare really creep me out.

We will find another babysitter soon. We are interviewing people next week. Here are some pictures of Jack playing on his tricycle and on one of our bike rides to the beach. Enjoy! :)


Unknown said...

Your photos are amazing! You do such a great job and it helps that you have a beautiful family to photograph (and scenery)!

Unknown said...

PS- Love the brown DAMASK! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Hollybolly! I miss you! How is married life? I am wearing my comfy pants you got me! :)