Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 47

Jan 27-Feb 2
Hello all! Those of you who are around Jack know that he has pretty much always been a talker. For a long time he has been saying the typical "ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da, la-la," sounds. Well now he officially has some "words" that he says. These words include: Mama, Dada, Bye-Bye, and "Mooooo!" :) One of his favorite toys is his farm and his first official animal noise is the cow. Here is a picture of him playing with his farm.
Jack pretty much plays farm every single day so I am thinking that he will come up with more animal sounds in the next few weeks. I really love this particular farm (it is Fisher Price Little People) except for the cow and the horse. The cow is brown and white, and looks kind of like a horse. The horse is also brown (confusing) and kind of looks like a camel. I am almost tempted to write a letter to Fisher Price letting them know that their animals are not up to par. I don't want to be rude. He still LOVE, LOVE, LOVES his farm!! :)

He is so very proud of his cow sound that he does it...all the time...EVERYWHERE! The other day we were in Publix and an old-ish lady walked by, smiling at Jack. He looks at her, smiles...and goes, "MOOOOOOO!!!" She was kind of offended, I think. Jack can be my new weapon against old people. In a subtle, cute kind of way. :) Muwahahahaha!!

Other than that I can't think of many more remarkable accomplishments for the week. Oh, I have been trying to teach Jack a handful of body parts. He definitely can tell me where my nose is, and sometimes my ears. We will keep working on it.


Anonymous said...

You can always count on your children to embarrass someone - in our case, usually me!

I can't convey the humor in a comment, but Emily once pulled me across Home Depot to stand right in front of a morbidly obese man with a thin white t-shirt to say - quite loudly - while POINTING AT HIM... "Look Mommy, he has big boobies like you!"

Indeed, he did.


Unknown said...

Love it! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Jen, how did you handle that one? I can't wait to see what things Jack will say when he can "really" talk!! :)

Anonymous said...

My eyes enlarged, I smiled... then snagged her hand and waddled down the nearest aisle - Iwas pregnant with D at the time