Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 44

Jan 6-12

This week we stuck to our usual schedule. I worked Fri, Sat, Sun and Ed worked his normal hours. It was quite the busy weekend at the hospital so I didn't really see much of the boys over the weekend. Here is a picture of what they do while I am at work all day.

This is Jack's 1st "fort" that Daddy built him. Ed said he LOVED it! Ed took all of the pillows off the couches and made a fort with them and a blanket over the top. He made a little door so Jack could go in and out. He said it lasted for quite awhile with Jack crawling in and out and playing inside of it. :)

One exciting thing that happened over the weekend while I worked is that Jack went from kind of walking if you stood him up and coaxed walking all the time. He hardly crawls anymore. It's like everything clicked in his head and he realizes how much more he can do if he walks around. He's hilarious when he walks...kind of looks like E.T. He holds his arms up to balance and it is soooo cute!! He is getting very good at walking in his shoes!


Aubrey said...

Wow!! He is moving through those developement steps so fast! I can't believe he's walking!!

Emily said...

yay for the fort! i can't wait until lucy is big enough to do that sort of thing. what a big boy jack is becoming- love the new pic at the top of the blog. he looks so much like daddy- now you just need a little girl that looks like you :-)