Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 24

Aug 19-25
This week Daddy is still on TDY. We are kind of getting into a routine, but it is still very difficult and I think that Jack definitely misses his Daddy.
We were very sad that this past weekend was Devin's last time to baby-sit Jack. She has been awesome and was his first true babysitter when Mommy went back to work. She goes to school in PA, so she had to go back up to start classes. We will miss you Devin!! I am so sad I didn't get a picture of you with Jack before you left. Here is the only picture I could find of Jack with Devin that I stole off her facebook album. Look how happy he is!!!
Jack is now 5 1/2 months old and he is doing so many new things. He is so fun and playful, always smiling and laughing. He is still very easygoing (yay!) and very rarely gets fussy. He still loves his bathtime. He gets a bath every other day in his little tub. After his baths we give him a massage and lotion him up...I think that is his favorite part. Here are some pictures right after bathtime of him in his towel. :)
Another thing he loves is being NAKED! He thinks it is soooo funny. I thought it would be cute to let him be naked for awhile and get some pictures of his little chubby butt. I put him on the couch and he was having a great time...then he decided to pee on the couch. Don't worry, I cleaned it all up, but he thought it was pretty hilarious!!He now sits up all by himself and rarely takes a spill backwards. He's getting pretty good at balancing and is still able to grab his toys and play with them. We do a lot of sitting and playing as well as tummy time still. He can roll over from his tummy to his back, but not vice versa. He sleeps on his tummy so when he does roll over he wakes up and we have to go in and flip him over. He kind of reminds me of a turtle...getting stuck on his back. He sleeps through the night now. Last night he went to bed at 8:00 and slept straight through the night until about 5:30 this morning. I don't mind getting up early, especially when I can get a full nights rest!! Finally!! :)

He's really starting to become social and loves to see new people and play with other kids. His little BFF is Riley. He lives down the street and he is 8 months old. Riley's Daddy works with Ed so we have become very close to his family. Since the dads are gone we decided to take one night a week cooking for the others. Each night we gather at one another's house for dinner, very nice to have free dinners a few nights a week! Here is Jack playing with Riley last night when they came over to our house. They kind of matched with their outfits.

And finally here are some pictures from today of Jack in the cute little whale outfit that his Uncle Ryan and Aunt Amanda sent him when they went on their Alaskan cruise. The back says "Alaska" with a picture of the whale and on the butt it says "Blow Out". Very cute! Thank you for such an adorable gift!!


Karen Kirkpatrick said...

I love seeing these pictures! Jack is adorable! I hope that Ed isn't gone for too long.

Unknown said...

OMG, I can't believe what a little heartbreaker he is. Those eyes make me melt! I can't wait to see the two of you (hopefully) soon! :) Love you all!

Barbara West said...

Jack looks so much like Ed in certain pics. He is just the cutest!! You have done a great job with the blog. I love it.