Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week 22

Aug 5-11

This week Jack FINALLY rolled over and we got it on tape! Well I can't take full credit for it b/c Ed got it on tape while I was at work. Jack has rolled over a couple of other times, but we could never get it recorded. He sleeps on his stomach and there were a few times I would go in to get him when he woke up and I noticed he would be on his back. It's pretty funny that he is just now rolling over b/c he already sits up pretty well. Normally babies roll over before sitting up, I guess he just skipped that step.

I really like this video b/c Jack didn't realize Ed was standing behind him and you can just how hard he is focusing. He tries a few times before he actually rolls over and it is so neat to see him figure out how to get his body just right. I especially love the look on his face when he gets it right, he just looks so accomplished and proud of himself. PS-the shadow you see in the background at one point is Hope walking by, the noise you hear right after that is Hope sitting on the overstuffed chair in Jack's room. She is always in Jack's room when he is in his cute! Watch at the very end when Ed tells Jack to say bye, it almost looks like he is waving to the camera.

He is doing so many new things and I am so proud of him. Before we know it he will be mobile, crawling around and getting into everything. I'm already preparing for that day. Enjoy the video! :)


Emily said...

I'm sorry for not commenting more, Elizabeth! I read EVERY post you put up- and so look forward to them. I know that lots of times I think people aren't reading my blog because they don't comment, but then I'll see someone in person who will tell me something about it, and I had no clue they were reading! So rest assured that people read and care, even if they're like me and slack at commenting!

Unknown said...

Awwww! Good job little guy! Before you know it he'll be climbing out of his crib! :)