Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 146

Dec 14-20

Christmas is in less than a week! Thank goodness we finished our Christmas shopping over a month ago. Two things made it easy this year: 1. We are poor with no income and only shopped for Jack, 2. We used after picking what we wanted at the toy store and it was super duper fast with free shipping! Now that's my kind of shopping. I HATE the mall or any other stores this time of year. I know it is supposed to be the Christmas season, but I feel like everyone else seems to think it is the Greedy season. It is crowded and busy, there are lines for everything, and people push. It is cold/flu season and I don't really feel like being in an enclosed space with such a high volume of people. I just don't have the patience for it. I would much rather spend time at home with my family.

Cheesy Christmas picture with Santa

I feel so bad that we aren't able to get Christmas presents for our friends/family this year. We have been so fortunate in the past in being able to do so. Sometimes when your situation changes it can really put things into perspective. In our 5 (almost 6) years of marriage we have been so blessed to the point that we were practically disillusioned. We both always worked and made decent money. We have never wanted for anything. Although we are pretty good with our money (as in no credit card debt, good credit scores, etc) we could definitely have saved way more than we did if we would have made just a few minor changes (without even really giving anything up).

The boys helping decorate cookies.

Pre-icing and sprinkles

We weren't crazy with money, we did not spend in excess, but if we wanted to do something we did it. Now that I am going back to work things are definitely going to be better...but at the same time Ed is going back to school and not working. It is a slight pay cut, but there are some huge advantages to the situation. He is going back to school to get a degree that will give him major earning potential as opposed to fire fighting (which he will now do as a fact: 70% of firefighters are volunteer). He is also much more available to watch our two kids, thus saving tons of money on babysitting and/or daycare. Ed is super lucky to have gotten a bachelors degree while in the Navy while still having almost 2.5 years worth of "free" school left on his Post 9/11 GI Bill. It means free school + around $1,000.00/month allowance.

This kid loves sprinkles!!!

For this kind of situation I don't mind sacrificing. We have discussed canceling the cable and the house phone. We are living in a super cheap area of town. We find ourselves shopping at Walmart for food instead of Publix. Generic items are beginning to dominate our pantry as opposed to our usual name brand. Now that we are both super busy and have two kids we figure we are going to have to start making some super cheap and easy meals. Luckily when you are cooking with your handy dandy crock pot, you can buy a cheaper cut of meat and it is not as noticeable. At one time I tried to clip coupons but I just don't have the time or patience for that kind of thing.

Aren't they pretty?

It is kind of fun to strategize how we are going to make the most of our money and "make it" through this time. We make an awesome team and fantasize about one day both being nurses with advanced degrees (double doctors...say what?!) and making some serious money. I can say that we are really starting to appreciate the simple things in life. It feels great to focus on what is important.

Cute little family of sugar cookie stockings!

With the holidays coming up it is always good to remember what is important to you. I have always said that as long as I have my family I will be okay. It is true. I am so thankful to have a roof over my head, food (even if it is GV brand) on the table, and a brain to figure out how to make everything work!

I think my favorite are the Chrismas trees

This year since we don't have the money to buy people nice gifts we decided we would show our love in another way. Baking. One of the great Christmas traditions that I love to partake in is baking cookies!!! I highlighted a couple of our cookies in the last post. This week we finished up the sugar cookies. These are the best Christmas cookies, because you get to sit down and spend time together while you decorate them! I like to blast Christmas music and sit down to watch my family make the most beautiful cookies you have ever seen!

He is such a great helper!

Aunt Caroline assisting.

After we baked and decorated these cookies we delivered them. Here is a picture of my little helper Jack. :) Aunt Caroline came along to help too.

Jack playing with My Little Ponies

A quick shout out to Hope the Wonder Dog. It was her 7th (we think) birthday this week. When we rescued her we made her birthday December 15th and have celebrated the past 6 years. This is a picture after she ate her cheap steak. :)


misty said...

your cookies look great!! once I find an infallable sugar cookie recipe, we might try it too. this year we've taken a pay cut with me not working too. yay single income family!!... SO, we're baking it up too :) maybe it will mean more since you put effort into it! you guys are totally blessed with healthy, happy boys!

Unknown said...

Aww...thank you so much! You are right, we are blessed with happy, healthy boys and I would take that over money ANY day!! You guys are super lucky to to have such a gorgeous and smart little girl on your hands! I will e-mail you the cookie recipe that I use along with some tips. Hopefully your baking will be a success! :)