Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 106

After weeks of planning and hard work we finally got to throw Jack his 2nd Birthday Party!!!
There were definitely bumps in the road and plan changing at the last second, but it turned out to be absolutely wonderful!!!! We started the weekend off on Friday with the arrival of Grandma (Ed's mom) and then shortly after Uncle Andy and Aunt Caroline (my brother and sister). Jack was already in hog heaven. He is still the only grandchild on both sides so whenever any family comes to town he automatically gets tons of attention and spoiled rotten.
Seriously we could have stopped right there and Jack would have had a great birthday. He was so excited to have people staying at his house! That night (his actual birthday) we decided to throw him a private family party. We let him open up presents from family and then Ed and myself. He got tons and tons of presents from that night alone. I had made a separate cake for this night as well.
After all of the festivities the birthday boy was exhausted so we put him to bed. Afterwards, we got busy decorating all of the cookies and cupcakes that Ed and I had baked. It seems like I'm always putting people to work when they come here. Everything turned out AWESOME! The cupcakes were amazing (thank you Andrea for your help with frosting tinting)...the cookies were beautiful (thank you again Andrea for your cookie cutters)...I couldn't wait for the party the next day!

The party was AWESOME! :) Somehow everything worked out and I think it was short and sweet. We got to the site and decorated, put everything out, and waited for all the kids to arrive. When the kids all got there they played at the park for awhile, ran around, climbed on everything, then we played some "duck, duck goose" while we waited for the pizza to come.

Everyone loved the pizza! It is Jack's FAVORITE food in the whole world so it was appropriate to have it on the menu for his party. He calls it "pee-pie" and goes crazy when he sees a pizza box. After that we sang "Happy Birthday" and enjoyed cupcakes! We went straight to opening presents and then had Jack pass out his party favor boxes full of Firefighter toys and gear to all of his guests. They were a big hit!

Finally we attempted to get all the kids to smile for a group picture wearing their kind of worked. :)

All in all it was a great 2nd birthday for Jack! I can't believe my baby is so grown up!!!! I want to say thank you to everyone who came to the party. Jack absolutely loved having all of his favorite people in one spot to celebrate. We are so blessed to have such amazing friends and family!!!!!


Unknown said...

Aww, thanks for posting the pictures...As I was looking through them I maybe felt like I was there an tiny-wienie bit. Looks like the party was a hit. I loved the theme! And your cookies look awesome...Good job! Happy Birthday Jack!

Unknown said...

I wish you were here! :) It would have made the party so much more awesome! We miss you soooooo much!!!! You and Ryan need to come visit us!