Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 80

Sept 15-21

I have recently realized that I owe the world some humble pie. I remember before I had kids I used to despise those mothers whose children always seemed to have a runny, snotty nose. I would think to myself, "poor kid, why doesn't that mother do something about that nose? How much time does it take to wipe it up?" Well...for about a week and a half I had one of those kids. Seriously, how much SNOT can come out of one little kids nose????? It wasn't even strange colors, it was clear for the most part.

It just kept coming.

And coming.

And dripping.

The kid went through a whole box of Kleenex in one day! Even I've never done that. Ick! I guess I got what was coming for me. I know I'm a nurse and all, but snot is so GROSS! Bleck!

Jack was sick to the point that he had to go to the doctors office. Not bad for the first "real" sickness in 18 months. He's been sick a couple of times but we knew that there was really something wrong with him. It takes a lot for a Pediatric nurse to take her kid to the doctor, but after fevers of 102-103 for 3 days we knew this was much more than teething. When we got to the doctor she confirmed it...strep throat!

I myself was a little surprised. I have never heard of a kid his age getting strep throat. AND, up until that third day he was eating just fine. The pediatrician said it's very rare, especially since he doesn't go to daycare and doesn't even hang out with kids who go to daycare. The only thing we can think of is Kidzone (see previous post). Ed calls it "Strep-zone" now. Haha!
To make a long story short Jack earned himself 10 days worth of antibiotics, but he was definitely feeling better within about 24-36 hours of starting the medicine. Once the fever was under control he was his usual self. After about 2 days he really started eating again and acting like his normal self. I made sure he ate yogurt at least once a day to avoid getting the diarrhea that generally comes as a side effect when taking antibiotics. It seemed to work because he didn't suffer from diarrhea (thank goodness!).
In pediatrics I don't know how many times I've seen a kid with a horrible diaper rash and I ask the parents what happened. They always say, "he/she just has had horrible diarrhea." My next question is always, "well have they recently been sick? Are they on antibiotics?" and usually the answer is, "YES!" Poor little baby butts! If only parents knew about YOGURT! The probiotics help the gut obtain more of the "good" bacteria that the antibiotics essentially wipe out. Attention all moms reading this...antibiotics+yogurt=happy baby butt!
In other news, besides Jacks big illness he was in dire need of a hair cut! So far his hair has been cut twice. The first time I'm sure you all saw on the blog. We took him to Snip-Its and it was awesome/amazing/entertaining but also EXPENSIVE! So for the second haircut we went to good old "Cost Cutters" down the street. Well it was still pretty expensive, after tip it ended up costing $15 and Jacks hair grows FAST! Also, the lady did a horrible job and his hair was all jagged looking. I decided to teach myself how to cut his hair to save money.
We invested in a quality pair of scissors, a comb, and a squirt bottle. Ed and I pretty much just took turns entertaining Jack while the other would go at his head with scissors. It was kind of a trial-and-error way of learning. He ended up looking pretty decent. I'm sure we will learn techniques to improve in the future, but for now it looks better than the cost-cutter lady did. :)
Last, but not least. We celebrated Ed's birthday a week late since I had to work on his birthday last weekend. We had a family day and also gave Daddy the day off from chores and watching Jack. We got Daddy lots of Steelers stuff in preparation for the game he was going to in Tampa the next weekend. I made a homemade cake that Ed requested. It was chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. The frosting had chocolate chips and fudge. Yum! :) I think it was my best cake yet!
Next post will be very picture heavy!! :)


Anonymous said...

What a great post... I enjoyed reading it and I'm very glad little Jack is all better.

We looooove yogurt around here, especially since I started making it myself. I'm learning to lacto-ferment just about everything, so we're swimming in "good bugs." It's helping Daniel's eczema and, hopefully, will help everyone stay out of the doctor's office!

I'm anxious to see your next post - I LOOOVE pictures!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jen! I would love to try some of your yogurt! It is definitely gooood stuff! :) I am so glad Daniel's eczema is getting better, I remember him having problems with it. I hope it works out! That is an awesome solution!