Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 75

Aug 11-17

I changed my background to this cute little "Going Places" theme, because August has been such a whirlwind month for us. It seems like so many things are changing and we are still getting used to adjusting to my new job, Ed's firefighting, me toying with the idea of school, and Jack growing up. We have enjoyed the company of so many family and has been quite the month!
This week was fun because Jack's "Pap" (Ed's dad) and his wife Mary Ann came to visit us from Pittsburgh, PA. They said they really just wanted to hang out with Jack so we picked "Jack friendly" activities to do. They stayed at a hotel on the beach down the street from our house so we went swimming at the hotel pool and played on the beach.
Pretty much every night we went out to eat...we got to try some new restaurants in our area that we have never been to before. It was kind of funny because Jack doesn't usually eat out at restaurants that often and I realized that he is very well behaved. Of course he had a couple of minor outbursts...but I have developed a whole new attitude towards babies at restaurants.
I used to be terrified that Jack would throw a fit and disrupt everyone else's dinner. I felt bad that their night might be ruined. Then I realized...we eat dinner at 5:00 pm. If you look around most restaurants they are either empty, or filled with babies and old people. Also...if they have highchairs and a kids menu then they are KID FRIENDLY!
This one guy kept getting calls on his cell phone and at one point Jack was screaming out because he just wanted attention. The guy turned around and glared at us. I felt like saying something...I really almost did. I didn't want to start anything. But I didn't feel bad about it because if he wants a peaceful dinner he should go to a non kid friendly restaurant!!!
Okay I got off the subject. We were considering going to either Disney or Animal Kingdom with Jack, but we decided it wasn't the best idea since he still really can't go through the day without at least one good nap. I'm glad we waited. We will re-evaluate next year. Instead we went to our usual hot spot...the good old Brevard Zoo. :)
We had a great time checking out the animals. We went early in the morning so it wasn't quite so hot. We walked the whole zoo and then ended up in the "Paws On" kids play area. Jack was ready to cool off in the water. Even with the mist sprays and mostly gets HOT! I think if we do go to Disney next year we probably won't go in the middle of the summer.
Here are a bunch of pictures we took. Zoo pictures are always cute. We had a great time with Pap and Mary Ann!! It was relaxing and refreshing.

On another side note, Jack is starting to put multiple words together. He will say things like "hey baby" and "I love you Dad!" So cute! He is also getting his 11th tooth. I can't believe how big he is getting! Next weekend we are going to Holly's wedding in WISCONSIN! :) I can't wait! We are leaving Jack home with my mom, sister, and grandma. I'm sure he will have tons of fun and entertainment. Mommy and Daddy are having a mini-vacation!

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