Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week 40

Dec 9-15

Well we are now well into the "holiday season" and loving every minute of it. So far Jack has done very well with the Christmas tree. We usually put up two trees (one with colored lights and all of our assorted fun ornaments and the other with white lights and red/white themed decorations) but this year we just put up the main one. We figured it would be too much to ask of a 9-month old not to touch a tree all the time. So we put the tree in the front living room and Jack isn't really in there without us being right there. Don't get me wrong, he has tried to get at ornaments, but usually we grab him up and divert his attention to something else.
Jack had his 9 month well baby check-up. He weighs in at 22 lbs and is 30" tall. He is 90th percentile for his height and head circumference and 60th percentile for his weight. I told her that in the past month since he has been crawling and moving around so much I definitely feel like he has lost weight, or at least gotten much leaner. He will catch back up in the weight category and I'm really not too worried about it.
Ed and I have decided to switch pediatrician's. Don't get me wrong, she is a nice enough lady but she never really answers our questions, she pushes formula even in the beginning when I breastfed, and she really pushes immunizations. Even when some of the immunizations are "optional" according to her and I refuse them she has a fit. For example I refused the rotavirus vaccination and she was very distraught over that. I explained to her that he is not in daycare and not really around kids who are in daycare. Besides, I have taken care of plenty of kids with rotavirus and although it is not the most pleasant illness, it's not going to cause permanent damage.
I finally got fed up with the pushing of the shots and I want more control over when Jack gets them. She said at this appointment he was due for his 3rd Hep B and I was like, "according to the current immunization schedule there are no shots at 9 months," and she was like "well it's been enough time in between he can go ahead and get it." I told her no thanks. I have my own schedule now that I have been working on and so far it's looking like Jack won't get anymore shots until he is 2-3 years old. I do have a little more research to do about it. I need to get my hands on the Dr. Sears book because I really want to read the whole thing.
Just for the record...I am writing this as a mom. I am taking off my "pediatric nurse" hat and speaking as a mom. I do believe that immunizations are VERY important and I feel that kids should get most of them. They are a good thing that save lives and decrease terrible hospitalizations. I do think there is some credibility to the argument that our kids get too many, too fast. I don't see the harm in spreading them out and delaying the ones that can be delayed. This is a personal choice that every parent has to make.

With that being said, we are switching pediatricians and I will have full control of Jack's immunization schedule because she doesn't do the shots in her office so I will go to the base clinic and get his shots done. I plan on doing them one at a time and spreading them out. Okay enough about immunizations...I know this is quite the touchy subject for everyone.
Back to holiday season fun. Jack has been loving all of the traditional things we have been doing. We've made cookies for the hospital staff, wrapped presents for friends and family, and sent out Christmas cards. It is such a fun time of year and I LOVE sharing it with him. It kind of brings Christmas back to life again. I can't wait until he really "gets it" and is excited about Christmas morning. :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Amen, sister! I totally understand about the whole vax deal (esp. since I wrote a blog recently about how I feel). Whether or not your ped agrees with you, he/she should respect your decisions. I'm glad you feel more comfortable with your new doctor.

Love the pic of Jack in his Christmas hat!