Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 4

April 1-7

Baby Jack is almost 1 month old!! This week his umbilical cord stump finally fell off!! Yay! We had it on the coffee table while we changed his diaper, Ed wanted to save it to put in the baby book (ick!). A few minutes later I noticed Hope crunching on something. I knew we hadn't left any food out because I had just cleaned up the living room. I looked over and the cord was GONE! The dog ate it! Oh well!

On Sunday we went to church for our Baptism class. We earned our certificate and can now have Baby Jack baptised in the Catholic church. We are planning on Sunday, May 31st in Sumter, SC. It's Memorial Day weekend so hopefully people will have the next day off.

Here are some videos from this week!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yay yay yay for a Catholic baptism! Girl, I had no idea! Brett and I will be going through the same process soon :-)