Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 152

Jan 25-31

So I guess after my last post that basically ranted about parents who do not spend time with their children I had better make this one positive. Somehow in the whole week I only have pictures of Abel. What did we do this week to make us so busy that we didn't get pictures of both kids? LOL. Oh well. I can give you a whole post about Abel anyways. The following information is about breast if that creeps you out...I would not recommend reading the rest of this post. The following three pictures are Jack after I finished breast feeding. Around 4.5 months...

As I watch the Superbowl I am trying to think of a topic for the blog...

Okay so I will address the obvious first. AKA the pictures. Abel tried rice cereal for the first time. He is officially 4.5 months old. Jack tried it at 4.5 months too! I went ahead and sought out some pictures of Jack at the same age trying rice cereal. Now that I am looking at his pictures, I realize just how skinny he really was!!! Abel is HUGE! When I put his current measurements (20+ lbs) into a growth chart it just says "above 95th percentile", which basically means off the chart. He is so big!

The only reason we considered letting him try the rice cereal (which we mix with breast milk) is because he literally is obsessed when we try to eat dinner. He will watch everyone eat. He will look at your food like he is about to eat it (which is hilarious since he can't eat it).

He has only tried it about 3 times. We mix the organic rice cereal with breast milk. He is pretty good at taking it from a spoon. I don't mind a little organic rice cereal mixed with breast milk. Normally I would tell people to wait until 6 months to feed anything other than breast milk, but he REALLY wants to eat something solid. His main staple food is still breast milk, but he just likes to occasionally get the extra rice cereal to practice with semi-solids. Since he is so big I don't really worry about it. He can handle it.

We won't try him on fruits and veggies until after 6 months. That is the plan at least. I recently bought a new breast pump online. It was a purchase made with some hesitance. When I breast fed Jack I had to give it up after 4.5 months due to my job. I literally couldn't pump at work and I would do 12 hour shifts, 3 days in a row. After a few weeks my supply dwindled. So far at my new job I am able to pump to keep up my supply, and I am trying not to work 3 days in a row.

Recently my breast pump has been giving me a little trouble, I can tell it is on the verge of dying. I have had it since before Jack was born. I originally didn't invest much money in a breast pump since I wasn't sure if I would be breast feeding very long. I bought a "Lansinoh Double Electric" breast pump initially. So far it has lasted much longer than I anticipated. I can tell that it is on it's last leg so I had to make the decision. Am I breast feeding or am I going to formula???

Since I technically work full time it would probably be easy to go to formula, but I don't want to. Breast feeding Abel has been much much easier than it was with Jack. Going to formula could mean an extra $200/$300 per month I looked into new pumps and they are anywhere from $200-$500 easily. After talking it over with Ed we decided that I am going to attempt to breast feed Abel longer than I made it with Jack. My original goal was 6 months. We will see if I get there, and then going further than that will be a bonus in my eyes.

I went ahead and ordered the Medela Pump in Style. Very pricey...but when we calculated what it would cost to pay for stupid formula, we both agreed it would be better to breast feed. *knock on wood* Abel has never been sick. As l0ng as he does not get his teeth and bite me, I am happy to continue breast feeding him. He is such a sweet baby. Obviously the boobs are doing his little body good since he is so chunky. I love a chunky baby!!!!!! So the goal at this point is to continue breast feeding as long as possible since it seems to work so well for him.

My new breast pump came today! Hopefully it will be amazing and I will be able to breast feed until 1 year! Wish me luck!!! :)


Unknown said...

So, I'm LOVING Abel's dimples!

Abel is definitely a big boy, I'm thinking about hiring him as Holden's body guard. Every 4 month old needs a job to make a little spending money right HAHAHAH!!! Can't wait until they get a little older and can actually play together. :)

Unknown said...

I know! He says he will take the job. He's not only big, but tough with Jack as his big brother. Looking forward to our play date on the 13th. See you guys then!! :)