Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 155

Feb 15-21

I know that Valentine's Day is over, but red is one of my favorite colors so I am leaving up this background for another week. At least until I find a suitable *green* replacement! The pictures I took the other day match the red. I need to find some green clothing and get new pictures to match the new background that I have yet to find. Sigh.

We have been plugging away at life. It seems like the last couple of weeks have flown by. Much less time to plan for Jack's birthday party than I thought. It seemed like I was just looking for ideas and I had a few months to prepare. Now it is creeping up quickly. I can pull it together. I always do.

So last week Abel turned 5 months old. I guess I should do a quick overview of his most current statistics. I'm not quite sure of his exact weight, but it is definitely between 18-20 lbs. He is still exclusively breast fed. We tried rice cereal and even some sweet potatoes for about a week, but he really wasn't into it at all. We both agreed he wasn't ready so we stopped.

He is super happy. He loves his jumperoo. He would seriously jump in that thing for hours if I let him. He likes to sit/stand in that and watch big brother Jack to see what he is up to. He still can't roll over, but to be honest it probably isn't completely his fault because the kid rarely gets tummy time. He is probably held too much. Oh well. Life is short, right? Who doesn't want to hold a baby?

He has finally gotten into a sleep schedule. Finally! He takes two solid naps during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Occasionally he will take a short early-evening nap as well. At night he takes his bath at the same time as (sometimes with) Jack. They both go to bed at 7:00. Amazingly, both boys go to bed willingly at 7:00 pm and I can pretty much say that by 7:10 if you were to stop by or call they would both be snoozing away. Neither puts up much of a fight. Thank goodness!

They are both usually up by around 7:00 am at the latest though. Early to bed, early to rise. This is fine because when preschool starts in the fall we are going to have to be out of the house by 8:20 to get Jack to school on time. This means dressed, fed, and in the car by this time. We can totally do it! I will have to get the coffee going early and it will all be fine!

In other news, I recently noticed that my website is just 500 hits shy of hitting 10,000 views. That is both exciting and a little creepy at this same time. I like to think people look at my website, but who are these 10,000 people? No one ever really leaves any comments in the comments box. Next time you stop by, leave me some love so I know. I have seriously threatened to stop writing the blog before because I thought no one read it. Apparently people are reading it...but in secret. Reveal yourselves! ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 154

Feb 8-14

In honor of Valentine's Day I took some pictures of our fun, love-themed creations. There are some pictures mixed in of Jack. I'm just going to let the pictures be the bulk of this post. On a random side note, Abel turned 5 months old this week. Enjoy! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 153

Feb 1-7

My baby is growing up...

A few weeks ago I started thinking about the idea of preschool for Jack. Well I have actually thought about it before, but never really pursued it seriously. Recently we have realized that we need a break. Mutually. Jack needs a break from the house and from his little brother. We need a break from trying to constantly entertain him. I don't mean that the way it sounds. It's just that he literally craves attention CONSTANTLY. It is impossible to properly stimulate him and get anything done.

Here is a typical situation-a simple craft project. While I am getting out all of the supplies and setting up he destroys the whole living room, spills something, wakes up his brother...I do damage control and quickly attempt to pick some of the stuff up that he has gotten out. Abel has a dirty diaper. Change diaper. While I am changing the diaper I realize Jack is getting into all of the craft supplies I have just arranged, there is glue everywhere, and stuff on the floor.

Deep breath.

I manage to reassemble the supplies, get Abel situated in his high chair, and start the craft. We do about five minutes of the craft and Jack gets bored. Now there is paint on his hands and he keeps touching things. He gets antsy and keeps getting out of his seat. I imagine paint everywhere, since he can't seem to keep his hands to himself. I quickly wash his hands and send him to play with his toys while I quickly attempt to finish up the craft and put things away. Abel starts screaming because he is hungry. Fun times.

I go to feed Abel and Jack gets antsy, decides to go into our room and destroy things. I can hear him but I'm feeding Abel. This was part of his plan. He knows I am occupied at the moment and don't want to get up because it will disturb the baby.

Forget about anything else like cleaning up the house, doing the laundry, dishes, etc. Reallyforget things like updating the blog, checking e-mails, reading something, etc. I feel like I can't get anything done. As hard as I try. Jack would seriously benefit from school. It would be an outlet for him. He could play with friends, have a teacher, and learn some new things. I would have a whole 3 hours to play with Abel and clean up the house. I might even get to do some of the things I want to do. Uninterrupted. :)

So after realizing preschool would be amazing for Jack I had to figure out where to send him. I did some major research, both on the internet and asking local moms. I finally found one that seemed amazing and not too far from our house. No matter where Jack goes we are going to have to drive a bit because there aren't really any preschools on our side of town. There are tons of "day cares" but that is not what I am looking for.

We finally settled on "Kilbourne Park Baptist Church Preschool." I was very impressed with the tour I got. After the tour I found out that it is apparently pretty competitive to get your kid registered. There is a hierarchy. Active church members, grandkids of active church members, kids who have siblings already registered...then the general public. They said some years they might only have 1-2 slots left after all of that and it is "first come first served."

I thought about that carefully. The flier read that registration opened at 10:00 am on a Thursday morning. I asked the lady what time I should get there. I was thinking maybe 7:30-8:00ish. She was hesitant to give me an answer, I could tell. She said that they have had people there as early as midnight the night before, but most people come around 5:00 am. WTH? Seriously? I really didn't want to be the mom who couldn't get her kid registered for preschool so I sucked it up.

Of course Ed has class on Thursdays so I had to plan this out carefully. I wasn't really sure what to expect. Were people literally going to be sitting outside camped out, in line? Was it going to get nasty? What if you have to go to the bathroom? I chose to bring Abel with me so I could feed him. I'm all about pumping if I have to, but I wasn't about to pump outdoors in 30 degree weather with a bunch of people watching me. I knew I could keep him super warm if I had to.

I had my mom come over at 6:45 to sit with Jack when Ed went to school. I got up around 5:00 am and left my house at 5:30. I got to the church a little before 6:00 am. Parking was along a street and the car was in the first spot. I just pulled right behind it. I prayed that the person in front of me would just stay in their car. I REALLY didn't want to sit outside in 30 degree weather, in the dark. I was ready to though. I had my blankets, camping chair, insulated coffee carafe, and magazines. Bring it on!

Luckily they stayed in their car, I stayed in mine, and as more people pulled up behind me they stayed in their cars too. Abel slept for the first 2 hours. At around 8:15 the workers at the church opened the doors and let us sit in the auditorium around tables. They provided a sign in sheet and everyone was super nice about who was there first. We all laughed that we were nervous about what might happen. No one got nasty or picked a fight. Finally at 10:00 am they came in to get us registered. I paid the deposit and Jack is officially starting preschool in the fall.

It is kind of bittersweet. He will always be my baby, but he is seriously growing up right before my eyes. I look at pictures of when he was younger and it makes me sad. I feel like it was not long ago we were teaching him to crawl, walk, talk, etc. I'm also excited to see him mature and start new things. He is so excited about school he can hardly stand it. I told him that he had to be potty trained to go to school and he has definitely made strides in that area. He has gone number two on the potty a few times now. He rarely has a pee accident anymore. I figure we have about 6 months to work on it. When I asked him if he wanted to go to school he said yes. I told him he had to get a little bit older...he waited about 5 minutes and then exclaimed, "I'm older now, I go to school!" So cute!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 152

Jan 25-31

So I guess after my last post that basically ranted about parents who do not spend time with their children I had better make this one positive. Somehow in the whole week I only have pictures of Abel. What did we do this week to make us so busy that we didn't get pictures of both kids? LOL. Oh well. I can give you a whole post about Abel anyways. The following information is about breast if that creeps you out...I would not recommend reading the rest of this post. The following three pictures are Jack after I finished breast feeding. Around 4.5 months...

As I watch the Superbowl I am trying to think of a topic for the blog...

Okay so I will address the obvious first. AKA the pictures. Abel tried rice cereal for the first time. He is officially 4.5 months old. Jack tried it at 4.5 months too! I went ahead and sought out some pictures of Jack at the same age trying rice cereal. Now that I am looking at his pictures, I realize just how skinny he really was!!! Abel is HUGE! When I put his current measurements (20+ lbs) into a growth chart it just says "above 95th percentile", which basically means off the chart. He is so big!

The only reason we considered letting him try the rice cereal (which we mix with breast milk) is because he literally is obsessed when we try to eat dinner. He will watch everyone eat. He will look at your food like he is about to eat it (which is hilarious since he can't eat it).

He has only tried it about 3 times. We mix the organic rice cereal with breast milk. He is pretty good at taking it from a spoon. I don't mind a little organic rice cereal mixed with breast milk. Normally I would tell people to wait until 6 months to feed anything other than breast milk, but he REALLY wants to eat something solid. His main staple food is still breast milk, but he just likes to occasionally get the extra rice cereal to practice with semi-solids. Since he is so big I don't really worry about it. He can handle it.

We won't try him on fruits and veggies until after 6 months. That is the plan at least. I recently bought a new breast pump online. It was a purchase made with some hesitance. When I breast fed Jack I had to give it up after 4.5 months due to my job. I literally couldn't pump at work and I would do 12 hour shifts, 3 days in a row. After a few weeks my supply dwindled. So far at my new job I am able to pump to keep up my supply, and I am trying not to work 3 days in a row.

Recently my breast pump has been giving me a little trouble, I can tell it is on the verge of dying. I have had it since before Jack was born. I originally didn't invest much money in a breast pump since I wasn't sure if I would be breast feeding very long. I bought a "Lansinoh Double Electric" breast pump initially. So far it has lasted much longer than I anticipated. I can tell that it is on it's last leg so I had to make the decision. Am I breast feeding or am I going to formula???

Since I technically work full time it would probably be easy to go to formula, but I don't want to. Breast feeding Abel has been much much easier than it was with Jack. Going to formula could mean an extra $200/$300 per month I looked into new pumps and they are anywhere from $200-$500 easily. After talking it over with Ed we decided that I am going to attempt to breast feed Abel longer than I made it with Jack. My original goal was 6 months. We will see if I get there, and then going further than that will be a bonus in my eyes.

I went ahead and ordered the Medela Pump in Style. Very pricey...but when we calculated what it would cost to pay for stupid formula, we both agreed it would be better to breast feed. *knock on wood* Abel has never been sick. As l0ng as he does not get his teeth and bite me, I am happy to continue breast feeding him. He is such a sweet baby. Obviously the boobs are doing his little body good since he is so chunky. I love a chunky baby!!!!!! So the goal at this point is to continue breast feeding as long as possible since it seems to work so well for him.

My new breast pump came today! Hopefully it will be amazing and I will be able to breast feed until 1 year! Wish me luck!!! :)