Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 155

Feb 15-21

I know that Valentine's Day is over, but red is one of my favorite colors so I am leaving up this background for another week. At least until I find a suitable *green* replacement! The pictures I took the other day match the red. I need to find some green clothing and get new pictures to match the new background that I have yet to find. Sigh.

We have been plugging away at life. It seems like the last couple of weeks have flown by. Much less time to plan for Jack's birthday party than I thought. It seemed like I was just looking for ideas and I had a few months to prepare. Now it is creeping up quickly. I can pull it together. I always do.

So last week Abel turned 5 months old. I guess I should do a quick overview of his most current statistics. I'm not quite sure of his exact weight, but it is definitely between 18-20 lbs. He is still exclusively breast fed. We tried rice cereal and even some sweet potatoes for about a week, but he really wasn't into it at all. We both agreed he wasn't ready so we stopped.

He is super happy. He loves his jumperoo. He would seriously jump in that thing for hours if I let him. He likes to sit/stand in that and watch big brother Jack to see what he is up to. He still can't roll over, but to be honest it probably isn't completely his fault because the kid rarely gets tummy time. He is probably held too much. Oh well. Life is short, right? Who doesn't want to hold a baby?

He has finally gotten into a sleep schedule. Finally! He takes two solid naps during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Occasionally he will take a short early-evening nap as well. At night he takes his bath at the same time as (sometimes with) Jack. They both go to bed at 7:00. Amazingly, both boys go to bed willingly at 7:00 pm and I can pretty much say that by 7:10 if you were to stop by or call they would both be snoozing away. Neither puts up much of a fight. Thank goodness!

They are both usually up by around 7:00 am at the latest though. Early to bed, early to rise. This is fine because when preschool starts in the fall we are going to have to be out of the house by 8:20 to get Jack to school on time. This means dressed, fed, and in the car by this time. We can totally do it! I will have to get the coffee going early and it will all be fine!

In other news, I recently noticed that my website is just 500 hits shy of hitting 10,000 views. That is both exciting and a little creepy at this same time. I like to think people look at my website, but who are these 10,000 people? No one ever really leaves any comments in the comments box. Next time you stop by, leave me some love so I know. I have seriously threatened to stop writing the blog before because I thought no one read it. Apparently people are reading it...but in secret. Reveal yourselves! ;)


Unknown said...

I'll admit...I'm probably one of the first people to read your blog updates! Love reading them and seeing what my long lost family are up to! :)

Unknown said...

Unknown is me, Holly...

melanie b said...

I read it. I wonder how you are so productive. Today I managed to feed the kids, feed the dogs, walk the dogs, make 1 meal, wash5 loads of laundry but only fold 2. I vaccumed 1 room and watced the news. 2 of 3 kids are bathed, teeth brushed and asleep but in my bed. I'm pooped!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of Abel!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the support everyone! :) I love comments! Melanie B I totally have those days. It sounds like you were super productive. I also washed 5 loads of laundry, but the only reason I got them folded was my mom came over and that is like her favorite thing to do (seriously, it's strange). Then the only reason I had time to update my blog is because my MIL stopped by on her way back to Sumter from Columbia and picked up Jack to spend the night at her house. Some days the kids are lucky they get fed. Haha! JK. :)

misty said...

i LOVE reading your blog! i only have 4 followers on mine, but see that more than 4 people read it too - i like doing it for me. Your boys are so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hey Scottie! I love to read your blog. It's such a great way to keep up to date with you and your sweet family!Your pictures are amazing!I never leave a comment because I am not sure how to do that BUT today I will figure it out!Loveya-Aunt Ruthann

Unknown said...

Thanks Aunt Ruthann!! That means the world to me! How are you doing?

Unknown said...

Thanks Aunt Ruthann!! That means the world to me! How are you doing?

Becky said...

I always read your blog, even if I'm a bad blogger...

Unknown said...

Becky you're not a bad blogger! I do love reading your updates though, so get on it! :) XOXO Hope you guys are doing great! Both kids are getting so big! Nolan is such a big boy and I can't believe Harper is 1 year already!!!