Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 132

Sept 7-13

Since I just had a baby as you all know, I am behind on my blog despite trying desperately to keep it caught up. Therefore, I am back logging the contents of the past couple of weeks. I will refer to this week as the waiting game. Torture. The torture was actually multiplied by the fact that it was both Ed's and Mimi's birthdays. Don't get me wrong, birthdays are great except for when you are 39 weeks pregnant with gestational diabetes, hungry, bored, and cannot partake in devouring 2 delicious cakes that are sitting in your kitchen. Grrr. We kept thinking maybe the baby would be born on one of their birthdays.Mimi turned 51 on September 9th. I took her out to dinner at a new restaurant in Columbia called Virtu. It looked really cute and seemed to have a decent menu. I wouldn't really recommend it. We still had a nice time hanging out just the two of us.
Ed turned 32 on September 12th. The day before his birthday was the Steelers game so we celebrated at the house by having Uncle Ryan, Aunt Amanda, Grandma, and Uncle Andy over to watch football, eat burgers and dogs, open presents, and sing Happy Birthday. It was a nice family day. Still no baby.
By the end of this week I am 39 weeks so baby is definitely full term. I am now starting to fear how big baby will actually be. I have kept my sugars under control with this pregnancy and only gained 35 lbs (as opposed to 70+ lbs with Jack) so I felt like I did my part, but when we went to our weekly ultrasounds we are estimated to have a 9 lb 5 oz baby. Some of the measurements were actually off the chart. I am determined once again to not have a c-section so now I am starting to worry that going to my due date might not be a good idea. My doctor absolutely will not let me go past my due date so if I don't go into labor naturally then I will be induced on the 19th.Well the last day of this week was my 39 week appointment and I am actually at 4 cm and 75% effaced with -1 station. Hmmm. We decided to go for induction the next day and finally meet this baby. The birth story will be next week's post. :)

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