Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 117

May 25-31

This week was so much fun! Ed's Dad Ron and stepmom Maryann (aka Pap and Maymay as Jack calls them) visited from Pennsylvania. They usually come down once a year to see us and we always have a great time with them!!! The first two days they were here I had to work so I didn't see them much. They took Jack on a trip to Toys R Us and got him a new golf cart...that actually has a motor and everything. They took the boys out to dinner a couple of times. By Wednesday I was finally off work to see them. They took Jack in the morning while Ed was at work (and while Mommy had a lovely break) back to their hotel for beach and pool fun time. He LOVED it!
Jack with Pap and Maymay waiting in line to see The Lion King
Every morning that they were here the first thing out of his mouth was "Where's Pap? Maymay? Where go?" When they came over to pick him up I would have him ready with his 'babyshoop' on, diaper bag packed, and suntan lotion already applied. He would leave with them and hardly say goodbye to me. He would half wave, not even looking back, "bye!" They would wear him out by going and playing at the beach, then coming back to their hotel and playing in the pool. They then would feed him lunch, and drop him back off just in time for nap! He was in heaven!
Waiting in the shade...he found a rock to perch upon.

Singing Itsy Bitsy Spider while we wait for the show to start.

On Thursday we were graciously treated to Disney World's Animal Kingdom. Awesome!!!! We had gone once before, Jack wasn't quite 2 years old yet. He liked it that time, but this time I think it is safe to say he LOVED it!

Loving The Lion King!

Waiting with Pap to see Donald Duck!!!

This is one of my favorite parks for little kids because they can pretty much do everything except for the roller coaster. We walked the entire park and even stopped for two shows. In the morning we saw The Lion King show. I always get nervous about these things, wondering if Jack will actually sit still through them. Once the music started he was mesmorized by the characters, the actors, the floats. He absolutely LOVED it! We had awesome seats and he was able to stand in front of us and dance to the music. I have never seen him dance like that. It was super cute.

Donald Duck!

After the Lion King show we decided to meet Jack's favorite character...Donald Duck! It was a great day to go to Animal Kingdom because I think we waited in line all of 10 minutes or less and then got to see him. We weren't sure how Jack would react...but he loved him. He gave him a high five, hugged him, and then talked about it all day. Super cute!

Sitting with Pap on the train ride.
We went on the Jungle Safari Trip and saw all of the animals of the African Savannah. They were amazing. Jack loved pointing out the animals and going over the bumps and water. We walked around, and then found a train ride to go see more animals. We got to pet goats and learn all about conservation. We rode the train back and then had a nice big lunch of burgers and fries! Mmm...

Ready to brush the goats a the petting zoo!

Picture with Mommy!

After lunch we were stuffed so we walked around a little more and then found Dinosaurland. Jack, Ed, and Pap went on a spinning/flying dinosaur ride while us girls took a break and sat on a bench in the shade. We did get some good pictures of them though. We did more walking, then stopped in for another show Finding Nemo. Once again I was nervous Jack wouldn't sit still, because this show lasted 40 minutes. We all thought maybe he would take a nap. He kind of half started drifting off a couple of times, but then something exciting would come out and catch his attention and he would start watching again. He really enjoyed himself.

The Safari Ride to see all the animals!

Standing on a rock with smoke in the background.

We walked around a little more, then called it a day around 6:00 pm. It was a full day and I was so proud of Jack for not losing it. He never even took a nap. We all figured he would fall asleep on the car ride home...nope. He was in a charming funny mood and entertained everyone despite being exhausted. I think it was because we told him we would get "p-pie" for dinner.

Jack and his Pap!

Riding the dinosaur with Pap and Daddy!

That night we were ALL exhausted. We came home and had our pizza dinner, put Jack to bed, then relaxed on the couch and watched "The Fighter." I think we were all in bed before 10:00 pm. I'm not even sure how I made it through the movie without falling asleep. We had to say our goodbyes because they were getting up super early the next morning to start their long drive home. We were sad to see them go, but soon we will live much closer and hopefully see them more often!!!

Poor baby is exhausted and hot, but still in a happy mood for the car ride home!!!!

Thanks for a great week! :)

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