Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 9

May 6-12

This week Jack turned 2 months old!!! He is getting so big and everyday he seems to learn something new. We are really starting to get into an actual daily routine which has been so nice.

Here is an overview of Jack's typical day.

6:30 am wake up and eat

7:00 am go for a morning walk with Mommy & Hope

7:45 am sit in his bouncy chair while Mommy eats breakfast

8:00 am play with Mommy, eat

8:45 am nap

11:00 am wake up and eat

12:00 pm play

1:30 pm eat and nap

3:00 pm wake up and eat

The rest of the day kind of follows that pattern, eat, sleep, play. He usually goes to bed around 9:00-10:00 pm with us and wakes up once or twice in the night to eat. Some nights he will go 6 to 7 hours straight.

This week I decided he is big enough to sleep in his crib during the day. I finally got a monitor so I feel comfortable leaving him up there. I figure he should get used to his crib and his room. It's much more quiet up there and I can get stuff done downstairs. I went back to work last week and the plan is for me to work Friday & Saturday nights. Jack gets "man time" with Daddy while I go to work. They have a good time together and I get a break from the house.

Tomorrow Jack has his checkup at the pediatrician's office and we will finally see how much he weighs! It seems like he has gained so much weight compared to last time. I can't wait!! As of right now he is a very content baby, only cries if he's super hungry and you don't feed him fast enough. :) He smiles and coos, loves to be talked to, and likes to be able to see you from where he is sitting. He follows things with his eyes very well. He also loves to listen to stories, he really pays attention and stays quiet through a whole book.

I will update again soon with his weight after his appointment tomorrow. :)

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