Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 131

Aug 31-Sept 6

This week we decided to head to the beach on an impromptu mini vacation. I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday and he said it would be fine to travel. Myrtle Beach is only about two and a half hours from Columbia and my doctor assured me that if there was an emergency, the hospitals in the area are phenomenal and I would be well taken care of. It made me a little nervous to travel at 38 weeks, but we figured it would be nice to relax and get away before the baby comes. Ed's parents have a beautiful condo in Myrtle with plenty of space and everything we could ever need.

These are the last weeks of Jack as an only child. So sad! I thought it would be nice for Jack to have the opportunity to get out and do more things. We have kind of been sitting around this house in the country since we moved here. He is so used to doing things all the time and it isn't fair to him to be cooped up. He has been asking about the beach since we moved. I don't think he quite understands that we moved from the beach and we can't just hop on our bikes and ride a block away to go play in the ocean. Poor thing. The condo has two pools, the beach, a water park, and everything else that's available in the area. Jack had a BLAST!

The first few nights and days it was just our family and Ed's mom (Grandma to Jack). We pretty much just chilled out and worked around Jack's schedule. Typically every morning we would go to the beach, pool, or maybe the water park. Jack would play, play, play and then we would come back up to the condo for lunch around 12:00. After lunch we would have quiet time/nap time. Jack would be so exhausted after playing all morning.

In the afternoon we would hang out, stick around the condo, and then get ready for dinner. One of the days we headed to Broadway at the Beach to walk around and let Jack ride some rides. They have a cute little amusement park called Carousel Park that is designed for little kids. When Ed went up to pay for the unlimited arm band the person at the ticket counter assured him that since Jack is only 2 years old he would be able to ride the rides with a parent. Well when we got up to some of the rides they said if you were over 36" you had to ride alone. Jack is off the chart for his height and was well over the minimum height so he had to ride alone. At first I was thinking "no way," but he held on tight and rode the rides.
Over the weekend Harvin drove up from Sumter and then Uncle Ryan and Auntie Amanda came up from Columbia. One of the days Jack got to go on Grandpa Harvin's "Big Boat!" I don't have any pictures of the boat because I couldn't go being so pregnant. Jack LOVED it! He talked about it all afternoon when he came home. Next time I will join everyone. We had a nice time with everyone who came up. Pretty much every night we went out to dinner and Jack behaved himself. Thank goodness he is such a mild mannered kid. I keep waiting for terrible two's to really kick in, but he is very good 95% of the time. Every now and then he gets his little attitudes and requires a time out, but for the most part I can't complain.
One of the days we went to the Ripley's Aquarium. Initially it seemed too expensive, but when we got there we found out they have a military discount. It was almost 75% off! Thank goodness, because once we got in there and checked everything out we realized it was only worth the discounted price. I would have been disappointed if we had paid full price. Jack was a little cranky and not in the best mood so we were only there for about an hour. That was really as long as it took to see everything anyway. One of those things we can cross off the list, but I don't think we would go again.

At the end of our mini vacation we got the chance to meet up with some of my friends from college. Ashley, Emily, and I were in Air Force ROTC together at Clemson. It was so neat to see them because I haven't seen them since graduation over 5 years ago. None of us had kids or anything and now between the 3 of us we have (almost) 5 kids. Craziness!! :) It was so much fun. Jack got to play with Emily's 2 year old daughter Lucy. They had a blast together. Over the weekend it was Lucy's birthday so Jack brought her a present. It is so fun to buy a "girl" present since I am so used to picking out trucks or trains.

The last picture is of the ride home. We all came back refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to have a baby. I had my doctors appointment the afternoon we got home and there was a little bit of progress. I am now 3 cm, 75% effaced, and -1 station. Hopefully this baby will come soon!

Thank you to Harvin and Cindy for our mini vacation! We had a wonderful time!!!! :)

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