Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 73

Jul 28-Aug 3

***note for the people who were on vacation with me***please send me any pictures you have!***we didn't take very many pics***


Talk about a stinky vacation. When I say stinky I am not referring to quality or anything along those lines...but literally to smell. Anything that could possibly smell...smelled.

As you all are probably well aware we all started our trip off with a lovely stomach bug. Jack got it first, then 3 days later Ed got it, then 3 days after that I got it. It lasted a week for each of us. Jack was pretty much over it when we left, Ed was in the middle of it, and I had just started.

Ed and I have always joked around about this type of stuff. We always wonder why we even bother to go on vacation and get away because things always happen.
We made it to Ed's moms house (Jack's Grandma) in one piece. The plan was to stop there and then first thing in the morning head out to the beach condo. Round 1 of stinky smells...somehow a bottle of milk had exploded under one of the seats in the car and sat overnight.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Ed goes out to start packing the car and comes back in ranting about how the car smells. I'm trying to get Jack ready to go and I have no idea what he is talking about. I figured he was probably exaggerating. No. He wasn't. It was the most disgusting smell ever and it PERMEATED our new car. I know we have had our car for 2 years now, but to me it is still new because it doesn't seem like we have had it that long. It still had (HAD) that new car smell.

We did all we could in that moment and attempted to clean up the car. The whole ride to the beach was STINKY!
We made it to the beach and our condo was BEAUTIFUL! Ed's mom got the penthouse of one of the condo/hotel type buildings on the beach called the Brigadune. There was so much space for Jack to run around. I have to admit that I spent a good part of the time before vacation worrying about how much stuff he was going to potentially destroy at this gorgeous condo. I made everyone bring gates and I was prepared to do a sweep through the place before we let him in so I could salvage anything in his path. Well the condo was perfect for him. Yay!
Of course the next day it was hot and then raining so the car smell just got worse. Finally it stopped raining and Ed and I spent a couple of hours deep cleaning the carpets. The smell is gone at this point...lets just hope we did a good enough job for it not to come lingering back.
The next smelly part of the vacation has to do with the stomach bug. It was awful. I have personally never experienced a stomach bug of this caliber. When the boys first got sick I started disinfecting everything in my house and washing my hands even more than I normally do (which is probably about 20-30 times a day depending on what I am doing). I still got it after all of that so I knew it must be pretty contagious.
Eventually people started dropping like flies and having problems with the bug. Diarrhea. Vomiting. Etc. We basically tried to just ignore what we had and make it through the worst couple of days. Everyone kind of got it at different times so it was staggered. :( Sigh.
On a happier note Ed and I actually managed to get some time in for ourselves thanks to everyone taking turns watching Jack. :) Here we are eating a delicious breakfast at HotStacks! It's always so nice to enjoy a meal together without interruption from little ones.
The first part of the week we got to spend time on the beach with Uncle Ryan and Auntie Amanda! Jack had a great time with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness, girl! At least you got a few nice shots while you were there! I'd never guess you were dealing with so much from the beautiful smile on your face in all the pics.