Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week 30

Sept 30-Oct 6

Here is a little preview to my post this week.  Jack has a TON of Halloween outfits to wear so I am going to spread them out every week of October.  Here are the first set.  I will write more about this week and add it to this post as the week goes along.  :)  Enjoy the pics!

I can't remember if I put this in the last post, but Ed has started college classes!  He is going to Ashford University to finish up his Criminal Justice degree.  It's very nice b/c all of his classes are online and he only has to take one at a time.  Each class lasts 5 weeks.  We are very proud of him!  We got the new computer for college but quickly realized that we would also need to get a laptop for when he travels for work.  So, luckily October is the month of the BONUS so we went ahead and got a laptop as well.  It was something we needed to get anyways.  An added feature is now we can Skype while Ed is gone!  :) For those of you who haven't "Skyped" is AWESOME!!

So the rest of this week really didn't end up being very exciting.  I woke up Saturday morning for work and felt like something was in my eye.  I washed it out with water, contact solution, inspected it, etc.  Didn't see anything.  Went to work figuring it would work itself out.  By early afternoon I had gone to the ER and was diagnosed with iritis, my whole eye was practically swollen shut and when I tried to open it, tears would just pour out.  I got antibiotic eyedrops and went home with instructions to rest my eyes and sit in a dark room....I should see vast improvement by the next day.  So I did that.  Sunday morning my eye was a little worse.  I figured maybe I needed a little more rest and there wasn't much I could do b/c all of the eye doctors wouldn't be open until Monday morning.

Monday slight improvement, but still couldn't see out of the eye.  Swelling had gone down significantly thanks to the warm compresses.  Went to the eye doctor and he said my cornea was very irritated and gave me a whole new set of drops to use b/c the ones I had weren't good ones.  Great.  By Monday night I had significant improvement and by Tuesday morning I had improved vision.  I still don't have 100% restored vision to the eye, but it is getting much better.  He said it could have been a tainted contact solution (I had just opened a new bottle about a week before this happened) or contact.  Very, very freaky and strange.  I seriously thought I was going to be blind...thank goodness it wasn't that serious.

That's about it for the week.  Nothing much else is new.  Thank goodness I have such a great husband who took care of me while I just had to sit there in darkness for 2 days straight.  He put a book on my iPod so I could at least sit there with headphones on and "read".  :)  It definitely helped the time pass by. I will take new pictures of Jack in more of his pumpkin outfits.  I have the battery charging for the camera right now.  :)

PS-his bottom right tooth has cut through the gums and the left one is not far behind.  :)


Kelly and Ashley Grogan said...

What an adorable little boy! Thanks for the advice about the leg numbness. I described it exactly the same. I told Kelly "my leg feels like I've gotten a lidocaine injection that is just beginning to wear off." It's so strange. Lots of love to you guys!

Jennifer Cardella said...

Elizabeth, the blog looks great!!! I LOVE LOVE the pic at the top of Jack...all of the Halloween pics are too cute! CAN'T WAIT to see ya''s been like 10 years!

Unknown said...

Awww, love the halloween theme! Give my live pumpkin hugs and kisses for me!